Friday, February 27, 2009


..(^_^)...smlm ada roudtour GENG kt summit bp...dpt la jmpe crew Les Copaque n maskot betul..betul..betul....chumeell sngguh maskot upin+ipin tue...yg jd karakter opet+sally pn ad..tuk pngetahuan korang yg jd sally tue xder ar slembut sally lam movie GENG tue..die adalah laki tulen..hehehe... my pict with upin....


aku dpt information about this roudtour lam fs dr z@fir . so aku n nurul bcdang nk g....kami'n kanak-kanak riang so excited r nk jmpe maskot upin+ipin tue...then ttbe pas z@fir ckp yg dtg tue karakter sally x jd rsenyer nk g....aku nk pas z@fir ckp ada merchandise..aku t'ingt kt nephew aku...dienyer besday 4hb mac niat nk bli smthng ar tuk nephew aku tue sbgai besday pezen die....pas maghrib aku, nurul, z@fir n ajax grak la p summit...

with ipin

nie la pict2 kami ble dh jmpe maskot upin+ipin cute la this maskot....siap berebut2 tue nk bgambar..mngalahkan yg x bestnyer niat dhati nk bli besday pezen tuk nephew aku x ksampaian coz merchandise dieorg soldout...huhuhu..mmg hbat sambutan tuk GENG xper aku ttp happy wlpn x dpt bli merchandise tue...lalalala....

with upin+ipin+ajax

p/s: kalolah leh bw balik maskot nie kt flet cempaka biru..apa akn jd ek???hehehe...

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